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New to St. John's

Welcome from the Rector

The Rev. Dr. Jared C. Cramer, SCP


Beloved of God,


Since I first came to St. John’s in 2010, I have consistently been impressed by our congregation’s ethic of welcome. The welcome we offer as a parish community is grounded in God’s welcome of us, a welcome that we experience first and foremost as grace.


You’ll notice pretty quickly that there are many different approaches to church engagement at St. John’s, a truth that is reflective of the Episcopal Church as a whole. We strive to be a church of invitation and not requirement, one where you can choose how deeply involved you think God is calling you. 

  • Some people simply like to join us for worship on occasion. They'll often fill out the form to get our Parish E-Newsletter so they can stay up to date on opportunities that come by. We delight in our occasional visitors. 

  • Usually, at some point, people will want to become official members of the parish. In the Episcopal Church, that's pretty simple. There are no required classes or commitments, you simply register your baptism and your desire to be a member. We have a membership form online here to help with that, and also to capture other information for our parish records. 

  • Many of our members enjoy connecting with one another on social media through our parish Facebook Group. You can click here to see that group and request to join it. It is a private group, intended just for members and friends of SJE, and you'll see a few standard group norms about how it functions. If you are new to SJE and request to join the group, shoot me an email at so I will know you are not a robot but a real person interested in connecting with the group!

  • Most of our members want not only to receive but also to contribute to the building up of the community. They will often make a pledge of a portion of their resources to the ministry of Christ we share here. They also find places to exercise their baptized ministry in one (or several) of our various ministries and commissions. The menu on this website will be a helpful guide.

  • Eventually, we expect that members will want to make an affirmation of their faith and be Confirmed, Received, or to Reaffirm their Baptismal Vows in a special annual diocesan liturgy with the Bishop. Once a year I offer an Inquirer's Class for that process. You can send me an email to let me know you'd like to be on the list for the next one.


I don’t know what has brought you to the doors of this congregation, but I want you to know that I'm glad you're here. One of my favorite parts of my vocation as a priest is walking alongside people in their spiritual journey. I believe in the ancient ideal of the parish priest—where I am called to be pastor to all who live in our geographic area (our parish), not just those who choose to be members of this congregation. If you'd like some conversation with me, I would be delighted to hear more of your story and answer any questions you might have. Just send me an email and let me know what times generally work for you.


As you spend time among us, I hope that I get an opportunity to meet you. I hope that you stick around for coffee hour after our Sunday services to get to know people. Above all, I hope that you find where God is calling you to exercise your baptized ministry and would be happy if that is among us.


No matter who you are, no matter how deeply involved you feel called to engage in our congregation’s life, on behalf of the Vestry and People of St. John’s, it is my delight and honor to welcome you among us.


Through Grace,





La forma de membresía en español también está en linea aquí.

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